Facade Progam
The Kiowa County Façade Program is now accepting applications for 2023. Kiowa County has established a Façade Program to enhance the character and encourage investment by improving store fronts of our business corridor/s. The façade program will allocate $25,000.00 per year in grants to commercial buildings located in the cities of Haviland, Greensburg, and Mullinville. The maximum grant is $5000.00 funded by Economic Development. A match of 50% of the project total is required from the business and/or building owner.
Housing Development Incentive Program

Housing development continues to be a concern in the City of Greensburg. In an effort to help incentivize new construction and help move Land Bank properties, the Greensburg City Council has implemented a housing incentive program to include in the 2022 budget. This program is a $5,000 cash incentive upon completion of construction and could include a donation of a Land Bank property.
How it works ...
The City of Greensburg has budgeted $20,000 for 2022 that can be used on a first come/first serve basis and only expended if the program is used. This must be for new construction and must comply with all City zoning and building codes. Similar to the Neighborhood Revitalization Program, applications would need to be received before any construction begins. Construction must be complete within 18 months of an application being approved. The City Council would serve as the review board for each application. Applications will be reviewed at regular City Council meetings on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month (except when meetings fall on a holiday, then will be Tuesday.) Incentive funds would be disbursed after a City Certificate of Occupancy is issued. Applications can also be made for the use Greensburg Land Bank properties for housing development with this program. The Greensburg City Council acts as the Land Bank board and will consider these requests on a case by case basis. For a current list of available Land Bank property, please contact City Hall.

Dilapidated Structure Abatement Program
Kiowa County has established a Dilapidated Structure Abatement Program to remove sources of blight from Kiowa County, improve the appearance, and encourage development on clean, shovel-ready sites.
The abatement program will allocate $20,000.00 per year in grants to commercial and residential property owners located within the county. The maximum grant is $2000.00 funded by Economic Development. Kiowa County Landfill fees may be reduced for applicants pending prior approval. Properties located in Haviland, Greensburg, and Mullinville will be approved by the Economic Development Director.
Grant applications are accepted until funds are exhausted. Approval is based on the condition of the structure and visual impact. Approval is required before work begins. Applicants must be current on all property tax. This is a reimbursement grant and funds will be dispersed upon completion of the project.